Manulife - FollowMe - Premiere
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Payments for accidental death or dismemberment directlyresulting from an accident, occurring within one year of the date of the accident.
- Up to $50,000 for adults
- Up to $15,000 for children and persons aged 65 years or over
Covers trips to hospital in a licensed ambulance in yourhome province/territory of residence. Covers charges up to the amount betweenwhat your government health insurance plan covers and what is reasonable andcustomary.
Unlimited ground and air transport
Covers basic services, paid at a percentage of the currentDental Association Fee Schedule in your province of residence. (Note: Ifapplicable, dental coverage begins at the age when your government healthinsurance plan coverage ends.)
Reimbursement on exams, cleanings, fillings, scaling,polishing, root planning, diagnostic, select extractions and other basic dentalservices. Covers charges up to the amount between what your government healthinsurance plan covers and/or what is reasonable and customary.
- 80%
Reimbursement on extensive services including oral surgery, endodontics, periodontics and denture services
- 80%
Reimbursement on crowns, bridges, dentures and orthodontics
- 60% commencing in Year 2
Anniversary year maximums
- Year 1 $800; Year 2 $1,000; Year 3+ $1,500
Recall visits
- 9 months
Covers the costs to purchase and/or repair up to the allowedmaximum.
- $600 per 4 benefit years
- Semi-Private Room/Private Room
- $200 maximum per day
- 100% reimbursement for first 100 days; 60% fornext 90 days per anniversary year
Personal support worker
- $1,000 per year
Registered nurse (R.N.), registered practical nurse (R.P.N.)
- $3,000 per year
CPAP machines and supplies
- $250 per 5 years, combined
Hospital beds
- $1,500 per year, once per lifetime
Oxygen and equipment, respirator/ventilator
- $1,000 per year, combined
Medical aids (crutches, canes, walkers)
- $250 per year, combined
- $1,250 per 5 years
- $5,000 lifetime maximum
Medical supplies (aero chamber, colostomy, urinary catheters and kits, bandages and traction kits)
- $1,250 per year, combined
Prosthesis (ankles, arms, breasts, ears, eyes, feet, fingers, hands, legs, limbs, lenses, toes)
- $2,500 per year, combined
Medical aids (braces, casts, cervical collars, splints, truss, stump socks/stump sheaths)
- $750 per year, combined
Surgical stockings/surgical brassieres
- $250 per calendar year, combined
- $250 per year, one per lifetime
Registered Specialists and Therapists
Registered specialists and therapists include acupuncturists, chiropractors, dietitians, osteopaths, podiatrists, naturopaths, chiropodists, registered massage therapists and physiotherapists. Covers charges up to the amount between what your government health insurance plan covers and/or what is reasonable and customary.
- $650 combined per anniversary year
Mental Health and Therapy
Psychologists, psychotherapists, clinical counsellors, registered social workers and speech therapists.
- $65 maximum for initial/subsequent Visits
- 10 maximum visits per year
Drugs that require a prescription by law are covered at:
- 80% reimbursement for both generic prescriptions
- $2,600 maximum per person each calendar year
- $8 maximum dispensing fee per prescription (not applicable in Quebec)
Prescription drug coverage in the provinces of British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Quebec is based on calendar year.
If you live in Quebec, the prescription drug coverage available under this plan is limited to costs not covered by the RAMQ Prescription Drug Insurance Plan. It is not intended to be a replacement for the RAMQ Plan. In order to be eligible for coverage under this plan, you must have a provincial health card and be registered under the RAMQ Prescription Drug Insurance Plan or have equivalent coverage under a group plan.
TELUS Health Virtual Care
- 24/7 access to healthcare practitioners online, through the app.
- 100% reimbursement to a maximum of $300 every 2years for lenses and frames, contacts or laser eye surgery
- $60 per 2 benefit years for Optometrist visits
This benefit does not include industrial safety glasses.This benefit is only available where optometrist visits are not covered by agovernment health insurance plan.