Aeva Blog
Stories about Health, Tech & Insurance
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Instant Health Insurance: Simplifying Coverage with Aeva
Does instant health insurance exist? Find how Aeva is helping Canadian's find health insurance tailored to their needs. This article explores the steps to secure coverage quickly, addressing concerns about pre-existing conditions, and the different plan options available.

Government Health Insurance Plans in Canada: Understanding GHIP and How to Connect
Discover Canada's universal healthcare system through Government Health Insurance Plans (GHIPs) and find essential contact information for every province and territory.

Understanding Plan Maximums in Extended Health Care Insurance
In health insurance, plan maximums are like spending limits set by insurance companies to manage risk and determine costs. Learn why these limits are relevant when you're selecting a health insurance plan.

The Upgrade Challenge: Why You Should Always Opt for the Best Possible Health Insurance Plan
You may be thinking you should start with the 'cheapest' health care plan now, and later upgrade 'when you need to'. Here's what you need to know about why that isn't true, and why you may not always be able to upgrade in the future.

What Insurance Do I Need and When?
Ever wish you had a quick reference guide for what insurances you actually needed and when? Well, here it is.

You're Probably Looking At Health Insurance Wrong, Here's Why
You think you've got health insurance figured out, but do you really? Here's a little something you probably don't know, and why you should prioritize coverage for large unforeseen expenses over small predictable expenses.

Tax deductions for businesses for Health Insurance benefits in Canada
A guide to when a company can (or cannot) treat premiums paid for individual extended health care plans as a legitimate business expense.

Canada Introduces Permanent Dental Care Program as Part of 2023 Federal Budget - The Facts
On March 28, 2023, the Canadian Finance Minister, Chrystia Freeland, announced the 2023 Canadian Federal Budget in the House of Commons. Here's what it means for you (if anything).

Why you shouldn't wait to apply for health insurance coverage.
Unless you have been blessed with the gift of immortality, all of us human beings (unfortunately) face the prospect of aging, and in doing so will tend to develop some health history along the way.
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